Sunday 11 October 2015

Armed robbers gain access into bank through Roof

Armed robbers climbed the roof of the branch of a new generation bank along Unity Road,Ilorin, Friday morning, to gain access into the banking hall, causing pandemonium in the ever busy bank as they unleashed terror. Unknown to security officials at the bank, the armed robbers mingled with ATM customers and climbed into the roof through the bank’s lobby, seeing that it was difficult to gain entrance through the doors.

Customers and bank officials, at about 10.30am scampered for safety as news filtered that armed robbers had gained entry into the bank through the roof.

The armed robbers, in a coordinated attempt, were already gathering money from customers and ordering bank officials around at gunpoint for keys to the vault when customers at the ATM point, located at the entrance into the main hall, got wind of it,raised the alarm and the bandits fled.

There was pandemonium as customers scampered for safety and the armed robbers stormed the main road shooting into the air to scare away people so as to get away with their loot.

Officers of Special Anti Robbery Squad(SARS) at A Division Police Station around, who got wind of the development , raced to the bank to repel the armed robbers, But three of the robbers escaped while the fourth, trapped inside the banking hall, was caught by the officers of SARS. The suspect was said to be helping the police to track his other gang members who escaped.

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