Friday 2 October 2015

Bride got black eyes on wedding day after drunk niece attacked her 'like a lunatic'

Leissa Williams was wearing her white wedding dress when she tried to break up the family row involving her drunken niece Shileen Cotter in Mountain Ash, South Wales. A bride wound up with two black eyes on her wedding night after being beaten up by her niece at the reception.

Leissa, aged 49, was wearing her white wedding dress when she tried to break up the family row involving her drunken niece Shileen Cotter.

When bride Leissa threatened to call police Cotter, 22, punched and pulled her hair, ripped her wedding dress and smashed her head into a wooden door.

But Cotter escaped jail after she admitted the wedding night attack.

Furious mum-of-seven Leissa said: "It was my wedding day and should have been a day filled with beautiful memories but Shileen ruined it completely for us.

"I was in my wedding dress and Shileen just lunged at me like a lunatic. Someone had to pull her off me. My wedding dress was ripped to bits and I had two black eyes, a big egg lump and horrible cuts all down my face. "The day after my wedding I had to go to the police station to have shots taken of my injuries before we went on our mini honeymoon. It was not the start to married life I'd imagined.
It is appalling that Shileen did not go to jail for what she did. To think she is still walking around freely when she attacked me so savagely and ruined the best day of my life too is outrageous."

A court heard how Cotter started "making trouble" at the wedding reception in a social club in Mountain Ash, South Wales, at 10.30pm.

Prosecutor Huw David said: "She had drunk vodka and 12 pints of cider before getting involved in an argument with various members of the family. She began smashing bottles on a wall. The bride decided to speak to Cotter after the latest row left her own daughter in tears at the wedding venue.
Cotter was arguing with a group of youngsters, shouting and screaming at them. Mrs Williams told her to 'wise up'. The defendant grabbed a piece of the bride's hair and slammed the complainant's head into a heavy wooden door at the Nixon's club."

The door flew opened and the pair fell out onto the street where Cotter continued to lash out at the bride who was left with cuts and bruises on her head, face and body.

The fracas was witnessed by a teenage girl standing outside eating a kebab.

Cotter shouted at the girl: "What are you staring at?  Mr David said: "Without warning Cotter swung a punch and hit the girl in the mouth but because she was holding her kebab she was unable to protect herself from the blow. She said that she would take the fork out of the kebab and stab the girl in the eye with it."

Cotter, of Pentrebach, Merthyr Tydfil, was given a 16-week suspended jail sentence, 200 hours unpaid community work and ordered to pay her two victims £300 compensation after she admitted two assault charges.

She was also given a restraining order not to contact them.

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