Monday 12 October 2015

urious Construction workers in Paraguay use a Thief that stole their wages as UPSIDE DOWN punching Bag!

This is not funny! Someone stealing your wages is enough to make anyone furious but a group of builders in Paraguay took their anger to the next level when they caught a thief and strung him up by his ankles.

The construction workers attacked the man after he had chased their boss, who was delivering wages, on a motorcycle in San Lorenzo, southern Paraguay.
Businessman Wilfrido Zarate, 42, was taking money to the group when he was pursued by the armed gunman and an accomplice. However, his employees were there to save the day.

After hearing gun shots and discovering what was going on the builders knocked robber Julio Cesar Paredes Bordon, 37, off his bike and tied him up, while his partner in crime got away.
Unfortunately for Julio Cesar, the group were not in a forgiving mood and rained down punches on him as he dangled off the side of the building they were working on.
Footage of the bizarre incident was captured on a mobile phone and it shows the robber looking worse for wear as he is hoisted up and then dropped painfully on his head before police arrive on the scene.

Julio Cesar lands on a pile of rubble and while he is dropped from a distance just lower than half the height of the building, it looks very painful.
The beaten robber was eventually taken into police custody, but it is not known if any of his attackers were arrested.
One thing is for certain, he will think twice about trying to rip off a group of construction workers again.

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