Monday 19 October 2015

Women 'sexually assaulted' by 'Nigerian' Oxford gay rights champion say she is painting herself as a victim

A Nigerian, Annie Teriba, 20, caused a storm when she published an online confession that she had sexually assaulted two women, before quitting her student union positions. The history and politics student at Wadham College said she had ‘failed to properly establish consent’ before having sex causing her to be described as being brought down by the politically correct dogma she preached. 

But yesterday her apparent victims poured scorn on her ‘mea culpa’ and claimed they had to drag it out of her. They said Miss Teriba the student union’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual women’s representative – was a liar, and claimed: ‘Let’s be clear: Annie Teriba is a rapist.’
An online statement purporting to be written by the victims said: ‘We find it particularly ironic that she has been a prominent voice against the very actions she herself has committed.’ They said they had confronted Miss Teriba, leading to her confessional statement of October 9. But yesterday they claimed it was ‘by no means the first statement that she wrote’. It took approximately three weeks for the statement to be finally released, which shows Annie has been hell-bent on dragging out this ordeal for us,’ they said. She literally did blame it on the alcohol and also tried to paint herself as the victim in an effort to garner sympathy.’ 

They claimed Miss Teriba had been reluctant to use the word ‘rape’ in her statement, and they agreed to leave it out. 
They wrote: ‘If her statement contained the word “rape”, the police would be prompted to investigate, and there would be potential legal implications.’
Miss Teriba, from Woolwich in South-East London, also stood down as editor of No HeterOx, a magazine for ‘Oxford’s queer and trans voices’, and as the Wadham College student union’s ‘people of colour and racial equality officer’.
Her online confession read: ‘At this year’s NUS black students’ conference, I had sex with someone. The other party later informed me that the sex was not consensual.

‘I failed to properly establish consent before every act. I apologise sincerely and profoundly for my action.’
She admitted that she had also ‘touched somebody in a sexual manner without their consent’ while drunk in a club.
Yesterday Thames Valley police refused to say if they were investigating any allegation of ‘rape’ or sexual assault by Miss Teriba.
Miss Teriba could not be reached for comment. Oxford University declined to comment.

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