Monday 2 November 2015

Drug trafficker tries to escape prison disguised as granny in mask and wig - plot fails

A drug trafficker,Clodoaldo Antonio Felipe, 44, who is serving a 36-year sentence in Coronel Odenir Guimaraes Prison in Brazil, tried to escape by disguising himself as a  70 year old elderly woman by wearing a wig and a mask that were smuggled in from the outside.

Prison officials say the mask was a professional Hollywood-standard creation and looked realistic, but the plan failed because the prison guards had not noticed an old woman coming in. They then stopped her to find out where she had been and check her paperwork. They also noticed that the woman seemed to be rather tall for an elderly female, and after deciding to search her, female prison officers realised that the elderly woman was actually a man.

An enquiry is underway to try and work out where the man acquired female clothes and the realistic-looking mask, which is of the type and quality used in movies and sells for about £840.
Andre Veloso, a police spokesman, said: "The penitentiary guard did not recognise the senior lady and this is why he asked for her ID. He never expected it could be an inmate trying to escape. The online price of the mask is extremely high and we do not know how this object together with the women's clothes got into the prison."

Felipe was sentenced in 2009 for drug trafficking and is part of the Comando Vermelho criminal organisation, the largest drug distribution network in Brazil.He was put in solitary confinement as a punishment. 

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