Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Lisa Ann ripped Charlie Sheen apart over his ‘Non Disclosure’ of HIV Status To Sex Partners.

Now former porn star and Ex Girlfriend of Charlie Sheen, Lisa Ann has taken to Twitter to share her concerns and condemn Sheen’s “reckless” behavior. She wrote Charlie Sheen behaved criminally in “not disclosing” his HIV-positive status to sex partners, famed ex-porn star Lisa Ann said Tuesday.

“Don’t get me wrong here, it is sad that he is in this situation, but he made it criminal when he started paying off people & not disclosing it,” the retired adult actress, whose real name is Lisa Anne Corpora, said on her Twitter account. “We, as people, all have to give ‘Full Disclosure’ with our truths. Especially if they potentially affect others.”

The busty 43-year-old, best known for playing Sarah Palin in a series of XXX flicks, held nothing back in a passionate rant aimed at the ex-Two and a Half Men star, who confirmed The National ENQUIRER‘s world exclusive report that he’s been battling the HIV virus in an interview with the TODAY show’s Matt Lauer Tuesday.

In the chat, the 50-year-old actor said that many of his hired sexual partners many of whom came from the adult industry were “unsavory types” with “saltless” reputations.
That didn’t sit well with Lisa Ann, who tweeted, “Word of The Day: UNSAVORY The way he used it just broke my heart for those he was speaking of. They are people too.” Charlie Sheen’s HIV battle “the most bizarre & reckless celebrity scenario,” she said that she knows “many people who interacted with him,”“hired male/female performers” the situation a direct hit on the adult industry” and I believes there’s an inherent bias against sex workers when it comes to disease prevention. Funny, media interviews me, as a porn star, as somewhat of a criminal … if this were anyone else, the public tone would be totally different,” she wrote. “These poor victims that are now coming forward. Some have contracted HIV, some haven’t. All could have been prevented, so sad.”

She vented her frustration after Lauer read off a number of tweets sent to the show praising Sheen for his courage and candor in revealing the personal info.

“The tweets they are selectively reading are just semantics,” she said. “Why are they selling this to us? Yes, Charlie is a hero today … WOW.”
Lisa Ann who said she “stayed far away” from outsiders who tried to mingle within the closed ranks of the adult industry, said she “was never with Charlie” sexually, noting “guys like him prey on the young, weak, ones who have drug addictions. “My heart goes out to those involved, no one wants to be in this situation, ever,” she wrote.

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