Thursday 1 October 2015

Eight of Iran's women's football team 'are men', league official claims

Eight of Iran's women's football team 'are men', it has been claimed. The Iranian FA has been branded 'unethical', after it was alleged the players were actually men awaiting sex change operations.

 Authorities reportedly ordered gender testing on Wednesday following the claims, made by Mojtabi Sharifi, an official working closely to the Iranian league.

He told an Iranian news website: “Eight players have been playing with Iran’s female team without completing sex change operations.”

Women's football is popular in Iran, despite religious laws preventing females from watching matches played between male teams. They wear hijab headscarfs, long-sleeved jerseys and tracksuit bottoms to play the game.

Sharifi did not disclose the names of the players who are allegedly male, but did say some had spent their entire careers playing for the women's team, only to disclose their true gender on their last day in the squad.

Doubts began to surface over the legitimacy of some of the players in 2010, when the gender of a goalkeeper in the squad was questioned. In 2014, football's governing body in Iran introduced random testing after it was alleged four of the players were either men who had not undergone sex change operations, or were suffering from sexual development disorders.

Gender operations are legal in the country. The team haven't played in many competitions or matches.

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