Thursday 8 October 2015

Man who had 80lb mass removed from scrotum can finally have sex again

A man whose scrotum drastically swelled in size has had the 80lb pound mass removed and can finally have sex again.

Dan Maurer, from Michigan has been unable to have sexual relations with his with for seven years due to the dramatic swelling, caused by a condition known as scrotal lymphedema.

The 40-year-old wasn’t even able to walk properly due to the massive growth.

Doctors have now been able to remove the mass after a 14-hour operation, giving Dan a new lease on life.

When his condition first appeared Mr Maurer, still in his 20s at this point, was told he simply needed to lose weight.

Despite losing several pounds, the growth in his scrotum continued to swell in size.

 Only upon seeing a man with the same problem on TV did Mr Maurer realise he had a medical condition. California-based urologist Dr Joel Gelman agreed to treat Mr Maurer, and with a team of eight surgeons managed to successfully remove the growth.

Despite the success of the operation, complications arose while Mr Maurer was in recovery  his lungs were too weak to function and he had to be placed on a ventilator. Luckily he was able to recover and now, a year on from the procedure, he has been able to reconnect with his wife and live a full life again.

Mr Maurer now hopes his story will help people facing other physical adversities when a documentary about his journey, ‘If my story helps just one person it will have been worth it,’ he said.

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